Friday, September 27, 2013

How To Buy Term Life Insurance Online

How To Buy Term Life Insurance Online

So you’ve made the decision to get some life insurance, and you’re looking to buy term life insurance online. Luckily the Internet is one of the best places to buy any form of insurance, and term life insurance is no different.

You can often get discounts on insurance online, because this is the preferred purchase method for both customers and insurance companies. Before you do purchase online however, do take some time to go over the small print of the policy, and make sure you are aware of everything involved.

Getting plenty of quotes is an excellent way to ensure that you get the best term life insurance deal, and there are plenty of websites that allow you to compare the rates of various policies. You should be careful to note any costs that might be hidden. The Internet is a great place to simplify things, but don’t get carried away by what initially appears to be the cheapest deal. Insurance policies always have plenty of fine print, and conditions which you need to be aware of.

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It is also a good idea to search for feedback about the company you are considering dealing with. Independent testimonials and word of mouth are excellent ways for gaging the reliability of a company, and how easy they are to deal with. You might be purchasing your insurance online, but at some point you may have to contact them more directly, so before you decide on a company, it is a good idea to call their assistance number and test out their customer service skills.

Buying life insurance is a big step, and purchasing it online is an excellent and convenient way to save money and time. There are many satisfied customers out there who have made similar purchases, so you are in good company. Making sure that you are comfortable with the policy and with the insurance company are important steps to making sure that you have a good experience buying term life insurance online.

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How To Buy Term Life Insurance Online

How To Buy Term Life Insurance


How To Buy Term Life Insurance

Life is uncertain. Death, illnesses and accidents can strike anybody at any time without warning. To handle these unforeseen situations, it has become mandatory for one and all to purchase a life insurance policy. Whole life insurance is very expensive and very few can afford it. But for people who would like to insure themselves at a nominal cost, opting for a term insurance policy is the solution.

If you are interested in buying a term life insurance policy, here are some guidelines to help you choose the right one.

What is term insurance?

Term insurance policy is a policy which covers you for a certain period. Once the term is over, you need to renew the policy. When the policy is in force, it pays a predetermined sum to your dependents on your death. There are no deductions for any government taxes. In return, you pay a certain sum as a premium to the insurance company till the policy term expires. There is no investment involved in this type of insurance.

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Who can get lower premium quotes?

If you are young, in good health, a non-smoker and are in the correct weight range appropriate for your height and gender, you are entitled to lower premiums. Taking additional coverage will slightly increase the quote, but it is advisable to do so. But do not go for the riders like accidental death or waiver of premium as they can increase the quote steeply. Opt for paying your premium annually because many insurers ask for higher monthly payments. Ask many insurers for their quotes on various time periods. If you think that the quote charged is very high, negotiate with the insurer to lower the premium.

When can I avoid purchasing insurance?

If you have no dependents, then life insurance is unnecessary. But if you choose to buy one, select the term favorable to you. The term should be the time when there are no people depending on you. This may be because you are single, your children have started earning or you are enjoying the post-retirement benefits available after 65 years.

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How To Buy Term Life Insurance

How Much Term Life Insurance Should I Buy?


How Much Term Life Insurance Should I Buy?

Term life insurance is an important part of the financial planning process. It serves to provide financially for all of the loved ones in your family should you happen to pass away unexpectedly. But one of the important things that people do not put enough consideration into is how much coverage is actually enough. When looking at term life insurance quotes, how can you determine how much is actually going to be needed by your family, if they no longer have you there to depend on? When shopping around for quotes, consider the following information so that you may make the right, informed decisions.

Identifying the Basics of Term Life Insurance

The first thing that you need to remember is that the main purpose of term life insurance is to completely circumvent all financial stress in the event of your death, which means the foremost purpose of your term life insurance policy should be income replacement to protect your family. With that having been said, it is now important for you to understand how your lost salary will impact your loved ones if you pass away.

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Make a list including how much money is spent on daily expenses, elderly family care, childcare, education, food, clothing, the mortgage, car or other vehicle payments, various forms of debt including loans and credit cards.

Now you should consider the costs for your last expenses, such as your funeral, burial and any necessary medical or hospital costs. Funerals can easily cost several thousands of dollars and this doesn’t even include any special requests or additional charges that may come up.

You must also consider your long-term expenses when researching term life insurance, including college tuitions, mortgage payments and a retirement fund for your spouse. If you want to leave any funds to local charities or organizations, this is also where those types of financial contributions would factor in.

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Next you should determine your assets, since you have already determined your financial needs and the financial needs of your loved ones. Factor in all of your current assets, including cash, stocks, savings, bonds, pension, social security and real estate. Subtract your assets from your expenses to figure out how much life insurance are you going to need to purchase in order to ensure that your family is financially comfortable following your death.

What’s next?

Now that you have a good idea of how much you are going to need, you should begin to shop around by looking at different term life insurance quotes to find out how much a policy is going to cost you. Make a point to sit down with a licensed term life insurance professional and they can walk you through the entire process. For a no obligation quote check out

It is extremely important that you take the time to do some homework when it comes to purchasing term life insurance, making sure you don’t purchase coverage that is not needed or possibly purchasing too little coverage. Researching your insurance needs before hand will ensure that your family is safe and protected even if you pass away unexpectedly.


How Much Term Life Insurance Should I Buy?

How Much Should You Spend On Life Insurance?

How Much Should You Spend On Life Insurance?



It might be hard to know how much one should pay for life insurance. But it is something that you need, because you never know when you will die. The sooner you get life insurance the better it is for you and your family. Save them the pain of leaving them with nothing.

Expensive life insurance can be a deterrent to some people as some people might not be able to afford it. But not having life insurance can result into a bigger hassle down the road, as funerals can cost a lot of money. Leaving your spouse with nothing is also something to consider about. They can suffer more then just a loss of a loved one. Bear then in mind before you make the decision not to get life insurance.

When you calculate the amount of life insurance you need you should think about immediate and short terms need as well as long term needs. What would fall into the current term need would be funeral costs. So would mortgage payments and child care. And example of future expenses would have to be college. If you look online there are places that can help you calculate exactly how much life insurance you need. So don’t worry if you’re really sure what to do or how to go about calculating it.

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If money is one of the reasons you hesitate about life insurance, don’t worry you can get many quotes so you can get the best deal out there. And these quotes do not cost you anything. You can shop around as much as you want to see which life insurance is right for you and fits your budget. Go out there and do something that will not only benefit you, but your family. Don’t leave them with any burdens.


How Much Should You Spend On Life Insurance?

How Much Life Insurance Is Necessary?


How Much Life Insurance Is Necessary?

One of the most common questions asked is how much life insurance should I purchase. While there is no set answer, each individual and family needs to look at their exact needs and situation. Here are some broad factors to consider.

Look at your current and future needs. If you have a family or a spouse that is largely dependent on your wages to live, you might want to make sure that you have a life insurance that will cover your family and spouse for 20 years or more. Some people usually go with the philosophy that you are better off over insured, then not having enough insurance.

Some financial planners state that at minimum, you should at least have a policy of 15K to cover burial and all final expenses. In addition, some financial planners advise you to purchase life insurance by multiplying your salary, for instance, purchasing 5 times or 10 times the amount of your salary.

Other financial planners, advise you to look at your family or spouses expenses for the amount of years that you want to cover them and figure out how much money they will need to live comfortably. Many financial planners and life insurance agents have special formulas that can figure out how much insurance you need for your age and level of coverage you want to provide your spouse and children.

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Many people want to make sure that their family is very comfortable in the event of a death. For instance, a policy might take into consideration the cost of a home, car loans, maintenance of assets and education costs for children. Usually the more dependents, the more insurance is necessary.

Some consumers that are buying life insurance don’t necessarily purchase it to care for dependents, but to cover estate taxes or to give an inheritance to their heirs. Usually these types of policy holders are already well off or no longer have bread winning responsibilities that make it necessary to care for small children or a spouse.

Lastly, if you are single, do not have any dependents and have an adequate amount of savings to take care of any final expenses such as funeral costs and taxes, you might decide you do not need to purchase life insurance at all.

One thing is for certain, make sure you put lots of thought into the amount of life insurance you do purchase and talk to a financial planner, accountant or insurance agent to learn more about how much life insurance, you personally should purchase.

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How Much Life Insurance Is Necessary?

How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?


How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

Life Insurance Needs Analysis is an important step for your financial planning. Even if you sit down with a professional financial planner or insurance agent, you should have some idea of what factors are used to calculate your suggested death benefits. I find that the more informed that consumers are, the more they were satisfied with their purchase decisions. It may take more conversations with informed clients to actually settle on a deal, but those deals tended to stick.

When I worked as an insurance agent, one of the most common things that clients wanted to know was how much life insurance they might need. Of course, as an agent, I had to balance an ideal figure against the cost of the premium. I knew that I needed to offer them enough life insurance to really protect their family. But if I suggested a premium rate that would not fit into their budget, then they would either refuse the policy or cancel it later. I always tried to get some idea of how much money the felt comfortable with spending.

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I did write a script for a simple life insurance needs calculator. I took into account a year’s salary, funeral expenses, existing debt, and planned future events like college tuition. Of course, any financial planning should include some emergency money too, so I fitted that in.

My life insurance needs estimates were actually fairly conservative, and many other financial professionals and insurance agents thought I should double them. Even with my conservative planning formula, many families were surprised. Of course every family has different needs, and any formula should only be a starting point for discussion and analysis.

For instance, part of a family’s debt may the payments on a second car. They would not need that car if one spouse passed away so they could eliminate a payment. On the other hand, if one spouse did not bring in any income, one year’s income may not be enough to help the family get back on track.

I think the life insurance needs calculator is a useful tool, and helps present a graphical image which many people enjoy. However it is not the only tool, and doesn’t replace personal calculations.

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How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

How Much Do I Need? A Brief Education On Life Insurance

How Much Do I Need? A Brief Education On Life Insurance

Life insurance is one of the most important purchases a person can make. Not only can life insurance help your dependents – beneficiaries – in the event of your death, but it can help you and your dependents while you’re still alive. For example, if you find yourself in financial stress, you might be able to cash in your life insurance policy, depending on the kind of life insurance policy you have and the company from which you’ve purchased the policy.

Most people’s education on life insurance goes something like this: you buy a policy and your family members will get some money when you die. This is a haphazard way of looking at life insurance. No one should ever blindly purchase life insurance. Everyone should first evaluate their financial needs, and the needs of their beneficiaries, before deciding the amount and type of life insurance to purchase.

When you start thinking about purchasing a life insurance policy, you should first look at your assets. Are you wealthy enough to help with the bills you leave behind? If you are, you might not need a large life insurance policy. The money you leave behind may be enough to cover funeral and burial expenses as well as other bills such as estate taxes. Do you have enough money to cover lost income should you become unable to work? If you don’t have enough to act as a supplemental income, you may want to purchase a larger life insurance policy.

Then, take a look at your beneficiaries. How many do you have? Do you have a spouse? How many children? Are you supporting an aging relative? The answers to these questions will help you ultimately decide how much life insurance to purchase, because regardless of how wealthy you are, or how much money you have saved, if you have several dependents, or just one or two elderly dependents, every penny helps once you’re gone.


How Much Do I Need? A Brief Education On Life Insurance

How Long Should Your Term Life Insurance Last?


How Long Should Your Term Life Insurance Last?

Term life insurance is the most common type of life insurance – it’s fairly easy to obtain and inexpensive. Over 150 companies in the UK offer some type of term life insurance, making it important to shop around and compare products.

Term life insurance is inexpensive as many policyholders will probably outlive the term of the policy. This means less financial risk for the insurance company – and lower premiums for the customer.

For many people, it can be the only type of life insurance they will need. Term life policies are generally either renewable or non-renewable – a renewable policy allows the policy to be renewed without taking health exams; a non-renewable policy requires the insured to reapply and re-qualify regularly.

When it comes to choosing term life insurance, the length of the policy will be one of your biggest considerations. Term life insurance is particularly flexible as it offers you the chance to choose the level of cover, as well as the length of the term – anything from one to thirty years or longer. In the UK, the average length of a life insurance policy is fifteen years.

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From a cost point of view alone, a shorter term is generally less expensive – many people choose a five or ten year term. The insurance company is less likely to have to pay out on a short term policy – hence the lower cost.

A term life insurance policy can cost from as little as 1 pound a day, although typically a policy will cost from between £8 and £20 per week, depending on your situation.

It is particularly advantageous for short term needs such as covering the length of a mortgage or paying for your children’s higher education. For example, if you have a thirty year mortgage, a term of at least thirty years is a good idea – this ensures that your payments are protected throughout the course of the mortgage.

Take into account your age when you take out term life insurance. A longer term such as twenty years may be more appropriate if you are in your 20s or 30s, whereas a shorter term such as ten years if you are close to retirement age. If you smoke – and are trying to give it up – a shorter term is a better option.

Term life insurance is also cheaper if taken out when you are young and in better health. It can be more difficult and more expensive to obtain if you wait until you are in your 50s or 60s. Most older people have more health problems and may also have pre-existing medical conditions.

Term life insurance is also a little bit more expensive for men than women, as women have higher life expectancy. In the UK today, life expectancy is higher than it has ever been, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) – around 77 for men and 81 for women.

If you have been considering getting term life insurance, don’t delay any longer. It’s affordable and easy to obtain – and given that the average cost of a funeral in the UK is now around £1300, it’s a necessity for most of us.

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How Long Should Your Term Life Insurance Last?

How Insurance Can Make Life Easier?


How Insurance Can Make Life Easier ?

An unforeseen event can be looked at as a disaster (at least financially, if not in far more ways). Similarly, insurance can be an absolute blessing that lets you get on with life smoothly during both the immediate and the long term time frames afterwards. One of the main problems with a large portion of the population is debating whether or not they need to take out insurance for something that they view as being unlikely to happen, is that they’ll never really know if it would have been useful except by looking back in retrospect.

Being able to look back and say “I wish we took out insurance,” is hardly a fair way of looking at things. Reasonably, you shouldn’t have to take out an insurance policy to cover absolutely every event that’s even vaguely possible, and it wouldn’t make financial sense to do so. Covering yourself against key, high-cost causes for an insurance claim only makes itself worthwhile if they end up being used. Similarly, taking out a lot of smaller, relatively low payout options often doesn’t work either. After all, this means that the compensation for a particular claim really doesn’t have much of an impact on how well you can deal with the cost.

Few of us have the luxury of being able to insure ourselves fully against every eventuality. But achieving that balance between a low level of cover against a broad range of risks and the sort of compensation that can really make a difference should it be needed is a hard task indeed. Bearing in mind that, reasonably, you neither plan nor hope for any of the risks that you cover against to actually happen, often people realize far too late that it would have been worthwhile to get insured against a certain liability.

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Those who do suddenly find that their insurance policy just saved them from financial ruin, though, are clearly more than happy to talk about the merits of it. As an example, let us say that the area that you live in is flooded one year, and you took out flood insurance to cover against damage to both your home and the property inside it while those around you didn’t. Initially you would have to pay a lot more to actually keep up the premiums. But when the flood arrives you would be far better off than those who had decided against it. Admittedly, the cover might not be absolute, and rarely do people ever end up better off than they would have been if the risk hadn’t actually occurred. But there is joy in being able to carry on with life almost as per normal shortly after the claim stops the crippling bill for whatever it was that you could have covered against.

Most people find that paying a relatively pitiful amount for their insurance premiums regularly is financially far less damaging than not being covered at all. Even if you have to pay more in total, it is a blessing. And for this blessing alone we should be thankful. Use insurance for what it’s designed for: reducing the strain generally when claims need to be made.


How Insurance Can Make Life Easier?

How Can I Compare Life Insurance Quotes?


How Can I Compare Life Insurance Quotes?

The online life insurance companies offer a free service where you can request a free quote for your life insurance needs. This enables you to compare life insurance quotes to see where you can save money with one over the other. To compare life insurance quotes, all you have to do is request a quote from as many companies as you wish and them compare the terms, the premiums, death benefit and clauses contained in each one.

There are also internet sites where you can compare life insurance quotes from up to five different companies at one time. This saves you the time of having to wait for each quote to come in and then print each one off to compare the best rates. The reason for comparing the quotes on life insurance is to make sure you do get the best rates on life insurance. This lets you get the best possible death benefits at the lowest possible premiums.

There is no problem with entering your information on the online life insurance company websites. These companies are looking for your business and are therefore secure sites. Your personal information will not become part of the public domain when you want to compare life insurance quotes. The company does have your best interests at heart and does want to have you as a customer.

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To get the best rates on life insurance you need to look at the companies themselves. Choose life insurance companies with a proven track record. This way you know that when you compare the life insurance quote, an agent has checked it and that you won’t run the danger of the company going out of business. Just remember that you do have to look at the length of the term to get an overall picture of the best rates on life insurance. A longer term with low monthly premiums means you won’t have to start your search for the best rates again in the near future.

The best rates are ones that you can afford. You should start out with an amount that you can afford each month and then compare life insurance quotes that come close to that amount. You may have to revise the amount of the life insurance and the length of the term to get the best rates that fit your budget. You can always upgrade to a longer term, a higher payout or even whole life insurance when you can afford it.

To get the best life insurance rates you need to get a few quotes and then compare the life insurance quotes that you have. But it’s not just about price. There’s more to compare than just price.

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How Can I Compare Life Insurance Quotes?

Help In Finding Affordable Whole Life Insurance

 In Help in Finding Affordable Whole Life Insurance

Many people need help in finding affordable whole life insurance, as it is extremely important decision to have to make. The following suggestions will make shopping for a whole life insurance policy a much easier process.

The internet is a great place to begin looking for a whole life insurance policy. There are many great websites that could give you life insurance quotes from several different companies at once. Just remember while filling out the initial questionnaire that you answer all questions honestly in order to get the most accurate quote. You should also be sure to follow up with the insurance company to make sure that no further information is needed to process your whole life insurance policy.

If the internet isn’t accessible all you need to do is pull out your phone book and look up that names of local insurance agencies. They can be a great help for those looking to find affordable whole life insurance and most all local insurance companies will be happy to walk you through everything that a whole life insurance policy covers in order to make sure you get the policy that will meet all your unique needs.

Make sure to do some comparison shopping when you are looking to find a reasonably priced life insurance policy. Most people that need help in finding affordable whole life insurance policy need to keep this in mind so they make sure they purchase the best possible policy for the best possible price.

Do not feel by any means that you need to purchase the first whole life insurance policy that is offered to you. Ask plenty of questions and make sure that you understand every last part of the insurance policy. If the insurance agent or insurance company that you are working with are not answering your questions clearly enough or are pressuring you into purchasing a policy that you are unhappy with then move on.

Keep all these tips in mind if you need help in finding affordable whole life insurance. This way you will be able to find the policy that will meet all you needs at the best possible price.

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Help In Finding Affordable Whole Life Insurance

Heavy Drinking Can Increase Life Insurance Costs.


Heavy Drinking Can Increase Life Insurance Costs.

Britons are drinking too much, shout the headlines. Out of those who live in Great Britain, two thirds say they drink to excess at least once a week and almost a quarter hurt themselves while they are intoxicated. This is according to a report by the Drink Aware Trust and the British Chiropractic Association.

But binge drinking is not just a health issue, but a financial one as well. It hits you not just in the pocket through the excess weekly spending on alcohol, but it can drive up the cost of your Life Insurance premiums too.

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Talk to the Association of British Insurers and they will tell you that in fact yes, years and years of heavy drinking will be taken into account when calculating your premiums on your life insurance policy. On the Life Insurance application form a questions asks about your alcohol and tobacco consumption. And as with all sorts of insurance products, the underwriting is done at the point of your application.

You might think you can get away with not declaring the fact that you have been drinking excessively for a certain period of time. After all, no one is really going to know when you die right? And of course, you plan to cut down your alcohol consumption in the years to come. Yet a spokesperson for the Association of British Insurers says that it is best to tell the truth. If you die, the medical experts can often tell from the post mortem examination if you are someone who has been drinking for a time frame that extends back before you made your life insurance application. They can refuse to pay out if you did not reveal the truth about your drinking at the time.

The spokesperson says: “The point here, as with any deliberate non disclosure, is there is a strong chance that if you do put down something that is not accurate on your application form and if you do have to claim on that policy, the insurance company may say that your policy was rendered invalid because you deliberately failed to disclose something.”

However, if you develop an alcohol problem after you have made an application for Life Insurance you are most certainly entitled to a policy payment. He adds: “Your death might be related to some sort of alcohol consumption issue, in which case the policy will pay out. It is only things that are such at the time that you apply that are taken into account.”

Most insurance firms ask you to disclose your average weekly consumption of alcohol, asking how many units of alcohol you consume each week. But this does depend on the individual company. Most look at the NHS guidelines with respect to deciding what is a normal and safe level of alcohol to consume and what is considered to be potentially dangerous. The firm will weight their premiums accordingly.

Direct Line insurance company charges a 30-year old who does not drink monthly Life Insurance premiums of £14.88. For someone who does drink the payment is £15.37. Over the years, this can make quite a difference.

A spokesperson for the ABI says alcohol consumption is one of a number of factors insurers will look at when they are establishing whether or not to take on an insurance risk and what the level of premiums for that person will be.

“From a public health perspective, there will be medical practitioners within insurance companies who will have concerns about this issue,” he says. But he goes on to add: “The insurance companies must look at that factor dispassionately as they do with all of the other factors that they look at when they are calculating premiums.”

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Heavy Drinking Can Increase Life Insurance Costs.

Guide to Life Insurance

Sportive family playing football on the green lawn

Guide to life insurance

Life is precious to every creature (big or small) on earth. From a tiny ant to big rational agents every living being loves life and wants to protect it. For a human being the most prudent way to shield his life from all the forthcoming perils is to get life insurance. Life insurance not just guard the life of the policyholder but it is also a great help to other family members.

Life insurance pays for almost all the major misshapenness in an individual’s life. If the person is suffering from a chronic illness, it bears the medical expense. Life insurance money can be used in cases of a severe accident. After the death of the policyholder, the insurance pays for his funeral and other related ceremonies. Thus life insurance is a big financial assistance not only when a person is alive but also even after it.

However the extent to which a policy will be active or beneficial depends on the kind of life insurance policy taken by an individual. For instance, the term life insurance policy is all about protecting a person for a term before he dies. But if the individual dies during the policy term, the beneficiaries receive the benefits. Term life insurance is ideal for those who want that specific needs such college tuition; mortgage payments and car payments should be cared for at their death. This insurance is also favorable for the families who cannot afford to pay large monthly premiums. It is also good for senior citizens who know that they will kick the bucket soon. Many companies associate different terms and conditions with the term life insurance policy and so offer several types of it. The term life insurance an also be converted to any other form of insurance such as whole life insurance.

The people who seek to insure their entire life and are ready to pay big premiums throughout should go for a Whole Life insurance policy. This policy is good for young but not meant for the old. The whole life insurance has a distinguished “cash surrender value” feature. The cash value (composed of cash value and dividends) keeps on incrementing annually according to a specific schedule in your whole life insurance policy. Many whole life policies reward the policyholders with dividends that can augment the entire cash value.

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Besides these kinds of life insurance policies are also health insurance policies. These policies are devised for those suffering with chronic illnesses particularly cancer. Such policies are difficult to acquire (for very few agencies offer them) and are usually offered at high premiums. The health insurance may pay for some of the patient’s treatments but it does not pay for everything.

Prior to purchasing a life insurance policy, a person should make a prudent assessment of his current situation and needs. Accordingly he should look up Internet, consult friends and relatives to find either a reliable insurance company or an agent. Choosing from where (insurance company and agent) and what kind of policy to adopt is a challenging task that requires lot of consideration and discussion.


Guide to Life Insurance

Guaranteed Issue Term Life Insurance

Confident businessman looking at you

Guaranteed Issue Term Life Insurance

Have you ever been turned down for term life insurance coverage? Guaranteed issue term life insurance was created for those who have trouble obtaining basic term life insurance coverage. Guaranteed issue term life insurance is also known as a “simplified issue policy.” You are automatically accepted for coverage without being required to submit to a medical exam. In exchange for guaranteed coverage, you will be charged a higher term life insurance premium. The higher premiums are a fair trade for insurance carriers taking a larger risk covering people without knowing their full medical histories. Purchasing a guaranteed issue term life insurance policy is ideal for people who were born with or have developed chronic medical problems.

The Inner Workings of Guaranteed Coverage

Guaranteed term life insurance coverage works a little differently than buying a straight term life insurance policy. While basic policies allow you to choose the period for which you would like to be covered, guaranteed policies are issued at five and 20 year periods.

If you initially buy the five year term, you may renew every five years after that until the age of 80. At age 80 your policy automatically becomes exchangeable for a permanent life insurance policy. You are still automatically covered upon transfer to your new policy and still are not be required to undergo a medical exam. Your premiums are also guaranteed to remain level throughout the duration of your policy unless term life insurance rates increase across the board for everyone in your age range and state. Renewable term life insurance premiums are based on your current age. Get instant term life insurance rates by visiting

If you choose to purchase the 20 year term, your monthly rates will stay the same for the full term of your policy regardless of any rate increases. Upon completion of the first 20 years you have the option of purchasing an additional 20 year guaranteed issue term life policy. Again, no medical exam is required nor will you be subjected to any health questionnaires. Some insurance carriers offer the option to convert a 20 year term policy into permanent life insurance coverage after the first 20 year period is over.


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Note: the face values you may purchase for a guaranteed term life insurance policy are limited. The coverage amounts start at $5,000.00 and are sold in increments of additional $5,000.00 up to a maximum of $25,000.00. The face values do not decrease with age or with a decline in health status. To learn more about term life insurance go to

Other Benefits to Owning a Guaranteed Issue Term Life Insurance:

1. It cannot be canceled in case you develop a terminal illness.

2.You can activate an accelerated death benefit in case of terminal illness; giving you needed cash to offset medical bills or special needs assistance.

3.Your coverage is guaranteed to stay active for the whole term of your coverage. If you purchased the 20 year term, coverage would end if your benefits were accelerated.

4.You have the standard 30-day money back guarantee on the policy. If you decide that the guaranteed issue term life insurance policy is not for you, you may request a refund of premiums paid to date — no questions asked.


Guaranteed Issue Term Life Insurance

Group Disability Insurance

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Group Life Insurance – Is It Worth It?

Group life insurance is a policy that insures employees for group life insurance, disability insurance and other coverages. Many jobs offer this coverage to their employees, which helps them to receive benefits without any large cost to themselves. What exactly does this benefit bring and is worth it?

Why Do Employers Offer Group Life Insurance?

One of the reasons this policy works for your employer is because it can reduce employee sick leave by providing rapid medical attention. This ensures speedy recovery from illnesses and lets you, the employee, focus more on his or her job.

How Does Group Life Insurance Work For The Employee?

The main benefit is the money saved by not taking a private life insurance plan to cover all the benefits. The savings aspect is doubled when you receive the group life insurance plan free or at a discounted rate.

Is Group Life Insurance Permanent?

It is permanent as long as the company is in business. But if you leave, are fired or the business shuts down, you only have 30 days to convert to a whole life policy which is much more expensive. And that’s another reason to have your own cheap life insurance policy.

What Health Procedures Does Group Life Insurance Cover?

Although group life insurance policies vary , there are some basic coverages they provide including:

Group Life Insurance

Group Health Insurance

Group Disability Insurance

Group Critical Illness Insurance

It is advisable to read your group life insurance policy thoroughly to understand what other coverage may be included.

What Options Do You Have To Taking Group Life Insurance?

The biggest alternative to group life insurance is to have your own life insurance policies. When you are insured through group life insurance the policy is not owned by you completely. When you change jobs you will have to requalify for your group life insurance and possibly face higher premiums. Therefore, it is a good idea to have your own term life and disability insurance policy; however since it is free or low cost, it never hurts to participate in group life insurance.

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Group Disability Insurance

Group Life Insurance - Does It Properly Cover You?


Group Life Insurance – Does It Properly Cover You?

Group life insurance is a common workplace benefit. Since it is cheap, why not take it? But you need to look at what you are actually getting.

Group Life Insurance- What Do You Get?

In a lot of situations, the amount of group life insurance that you get corresponds to your salary. The percentage is usually one to two times your salary. This level of coverage is insufficient to cover a family in the event of the main breadwinner passing. The rule of thumb in the life insurance industry is that you need 70% of your net income after taxes, to recover from the loss of income. The family may even need more if there is still debt and especially if any member of the family has health issues as well.

What Happens To Your Group Life Insurance Policy If You Change Jobs?

With the change or loss of your employment, your group life insurance policy will be gone. If, in between jobs, you should develop a health issue, getting a new policy could be difficult with your new employer.

Is Group Life Insurance Best For The Long Haul?

No. In order to properly prepare your financial future, it will benefit you to have your own life insurance policy. Then the life insurance policy can be added to the coverage from your employer to give you a decent amount of coverage

When Is The best Time To Buy Life Insurance?

If you’ve been stalling buying your life insurance, contact an independent life insurance broker who can collect information from any number of companies. He will gather basic information from you in terms of your age, sex, health and recommend a medical so you can get a cheaper premium from a carrier. The sooner you do this the cheaper the premiums will be, for your life insurance. Overall, you can have control of your policy, which you don’t have with group life insurance.

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Group Life Insurance - Does It Properly Cover You?

Go To A Specialist For Your Life Insurance Cover Quote

Parents spending good time with their children

Go To A Specialist For Your Life Insurance Cover Quote

No one knows what’s around the next bend and while there isn’t a lot we can do to change the outcome of what will be, we can safeguard against the unknown. When it comes to guarding against the worst case scenario then we should think about taking out life insurance to ensure that those left behind are at least financially secure. When getting your life insurance cover quote then you should put it into the hands of a specialist.

While a specialist broker can get you the best deal on your life insurance quote, you do have to give some consideration to the type of life insurance that you need. You also have to determine how much cover you are going to need and also whether you just want the basic policy or wish to include such as critical illness within the cover.

When considering how much life insurance to take then this will depend on factors such as dependant children, your essential outgoings and of course whether or not you have a mortgage. As a very general rule you should take your annual income and multiply this by at least 10 years, this will give you a starting figure and good idea of how much life insurance you would need to take out.

One of the cheapest and so most common forms of life insurance is term life insurance. Term life insurance relies on you paying a premium for the cover for a set period of time and if you should pass away during this time, the ones you leave behind will get a lump sum payout. However if after the set period of time you are still alive then there is no payout the policy simply expires.

Other types of life insurance cover include decreasing term which is usually taken out alongside a mortgage and decreases in value along with the decreasing mortgage; whole life insurance which will pay out a guaranteed sum providing you keep up with the policy; and endowment life insurance which could be likened to a savings scheme with life insurance included and payout is made either when the policy ends or upon your death.

A specialist can always get you the best deal on your life insurance cover quote and this is the easiest way of purchasing valuable cover to protect your loved ones if the worst should happen.

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Go To A Specialist For Your Life Insurance Cover Quote

Go Online For The Cheapest Life Insurance Quotes

Attractive businessman in an office

Go Online For The Cheapest Life Insurance Quotes

When it comes to life insurance it can be very confusing, there are many different terms which describes life insurance and unless you are an expert in such matters they can sound like a foreign language. When it comes to getting the cheapest life insurance quotes then going with a specialist broker is your best option.

The basics of life insurance are relatively simple; you take out cover in case you should die and this will ensure your loved ones are financially secure and can carry on paying the monthly commitments and you leave enough to take care of your family. However there is so much more to life insurance than just this, so it is imperative that you fully understand all the different life insurance policies on offer. The main types are term life and whole life insurance.

The cheapest and simplest of all life insurance is the term life policy. If you take out term life insurance then you take it just to cover the fact that if you die your dependants get paid out, as opposed to taking insurance that will pay if you should die or pay out after a set period of time. This type of policy will only pay out an agreed lump sum of money if you die which means that those you leave behind wouldn’t be left struggling and having financial difficulties to deal with.

One big factor that you have to take into account when taking out life insurance is how much to insure yourself for. As a general rule of thumb you should aim to cover your life for around 4 to 6 times the amount of your annual salary, or enough to pay off your mortgage. So the easiest way to decide this is to take the amount you have coming in each year and multiply it by 6, or see how much you have left on your mortgage. This will give your family enough to deal with financial commitments for some time. Of course you need to take into consideration the rate of inflation and if you have children make sure they would be covered if they are thinking about going into higher education.

A broker will be able to get you the cheapest life insurance quotes while giving you excellent advice on the different types of cover available and what might be the best for your circumstances.

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Go Online For The Cheapest Life Insurance Quotes

Getting The Cheapest Life Insurance Cover Online


Getting The Cheapest Life Insurance Cover Online

 When it comes to getting the cheapest life insurance cover then going online is the best way to secure your policy. Even better is going with an independent broker, which can in the long run save you money and will definitely save you the hassle of having to wade through the different insurers yourself for the best deal, even if you know what to look for.

There are many different factors that have to be taken into account when buying life insurance and of course policies are not the easiest thing for the majority of people to understand. The wording and terms used in a policy can confuse most people and often leave them with little understanding of what they are actually covered for.

The main type of life insurance is term life; term life insurance is taken out just to cover you in the event that you should die. It will pay out a fixed lump sum of money to those left behind which gives you peace of mind that at least they won’t be left struggling financially. Term life insurance is one of the most popular of all life insurance polices as it is the cheapest policy to take and the easiest to understand. You simply choose how long you want the policy to last. However, unlike some life insurance, the policy only covers you for death and wont pay out after a period of so many years.

When it comes to deciding which type of life insurance is the best for your particular needs then again a broker can help you to choose which would work out the best for you, although of course the ultimate decision is yours. A broker’s advice can save you money and will ensure that you get the policy most suitable for your needs. It is essential that you ask if don’t understand, there are many exclusions within all types of insurance polices and life insurance is no exception.

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Getting The Cheapest Life Insurance Cover Online

Getting Life Term Insurance?

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Getting Life Term Insurance?

Do you know what life insurance is and how it work? If not, then read on to learn more about it. This insurance is the kind that the insured transfers a risk to the insurer; they will then get a policy and pay a premium. The risk that is assumed is the risk of death, but of course it could be something else.

For the most part there are 3 groups of people involved in a life insurance transaction, the insurer, the insured or the owner of the policy and the beneficiary. The contract of the life insurance is a legal contract that specifies the risk assumed. It can be nullified for different reason. For example, if the insured commits suicide within a specified time for the policy date. You should read the fine prints and ask what other reasons it can be nullified there won’t be any surprises for you and your family.

The main reason most people buy life insurance would have to be to protect their financial interests in chase of death. Charges of life insurance depends on many things for instance age, diseases etc. So there is a wide rang of prices on life insurance that you could pay. Basically, the more of a liability you are the more you will pay.

But if the insured death seemed to be suspicious and the policy amounts warrants it, the insurer can investigate if they want whether there is any evidence of its legal obligation to pay the claim. The proceeds from the policy can either be paid in lump sum or over time as regular payments for their life or a specified time.

Hopefully this article has cleared up a few things about life insurance for you. So you can decide whether life insurance is in fact right for you and your family.

Getting Life Term Insurance?

Get Protected : Shattered Dreams Caused By Life Insurance Complacency



Get Protected : Shattered Dreams Caused By Life Insurance Complacency

Margaret Donaldson sat in the living room of her smart 3 bedroom home near Fulham Road in London. Her eyes were watery and her hands shook as she finally signed the sale papers of her house; the very house where her life, her dreams and her hopes had taken root.

She remembered when, almost ten years to the day, when she, a receptionist in a small company married Michael, who was the Sales Manager in her company. She remembered their wedding day, the vows, her friends, her relations, everyone. Her honeymoon with life had just begun.

It seemed like only yesterday when Michael had grabbed her in his arms and carried her into this very house. Michael was so charming, so full of fun and energy and there was never a dull moment in Margaret’s life.

Margaret remembered the days when she had brought her two sons, David and Jonathan, into their lives. She remembered the joys of raising her two boys and how Michael helped her in their parental duties every step of the way.

Michael was a good husband and a great father. He spared no expense to ensure that his sons went to the best schools, he worked overtime to repay the mortgage on their modest property. He had done everything in his power and ability to keep his family happy. Margaret had never felt the need to work nor did she develop any new life skills.

And then, out of the blue, Margaret’s life changed forever. Michael was diagnosed with an aggressive type of cancer. The hospital did its best to cure him; they tried chemotherapy, radiation, etc. Nothing helped and within a month, Michael had passed away, leaving his loved ones behind.

And that is when Margaret’s honeymoon with life really ended.

Whenever the bread winner in any family passes away, everything boils down to money. Michael had not protected himself financially and had neither health insurance nor life cover. He’d always believed that he was too young and it would be something he’d get around to. He didn’t leave much behind. The schooling and the living costs ate up his salary and all that was left was the house. The very place where Margaret had lived her life and now she was being forced to sell.

Margaret had to sell the house to pay debts. There were school fees due. Then there was that loan Margaret had taken from a friend to pay the funeral expenses. After that, there were the daily living expenses. And there was no one to provide for the house.

If only Michael had provided for his family by covering himself with a life insurance policy. Things would have been different today. Margaret would not have to sell the house and move to an unfamiliar area to buy a cheaper property. Nor would her sons be exposed to the harsh realities of life at such a tender age.

Her eyes still wet, Margaret signed the sale deed. She had sold the house for just under £300,000. She would now use half this money to buy a small 2-bedroom semi and use the rest to pay the hospital bills and other debts. What little was left was deposited in the bank.

Margaret was starting life all over again. A life where she needed to work, where she needed to pick up new skills and a life that would never be the same again.

That was Margaret’s tragic story. And, for all you know, this could be the story of thousands of Britons.

If you have financial responsibility for others, you need to realise that anything can happen in life and you must be prepared for any eventualities. You owe it to your family, to those left behind, just in case the worst should happen. You need to be protected.


Get Protected : Shattered Dreams Caused By Life Insurance Complacency

Get Advice And The Cheapest Premiums For Joint Life Insurance With A Specialist

Get Advice And The Cheapest Premiums For Joint Life Insurance With A Specialist

A joint life insurance policy can bring great relief and peace of mind to husband and wife and can also work out cheaper than taking out two separate life insurance policies. A joint policy is taken out for a specified number of years at the outset and is based upon two lives which can be husband and wife or two partners, however it can be hard to understand so for the best advice and cheapest premiums on the cover you should talk with a specialist broker when considering taking out joint life insurance.

A joint life first death insurance policy will pay out a pre-defined sum of money upon the death of either of those names listed on the policy, the payout is made to the remaining partner and then the policy ends. Buying life insurance this way can often work out a lot cheaper and should be given consideration especially if both partners are working and bringing in a wage. However when buying joint life insurance it is essential to realise that if you purchase a joint life first death policy and the policy is paid out upon the first death this will leave the remaining person uninsured. You could also consider taking separate polices if you want to have the peace of mind of the cover still being in place and of course you would benefit from two payouts, which is especially useful if you have dependant children.

Joint life insurance premiums however do vary widely from provider to provider and it is essential that you shop around for the cheapest quotes. An online specialist broker is always able to get you the best deal for your insurance – including sometimes online discounts – and this will not only save you time but money.

They will also know which insurer would be the best one with which to place your business based on your circumstances, lessening the chance of your life insurance application being rejected.

Get Advice And The Cheapest Premiums For Joint Life Insurance With A Specialist

Free Life Insurance Quotes

Free Life Insurance Quotes

We often ask ourselves whether we really need life insurance. Well life insurance can be thought of as an investment for loved ones or can also be thought of in terms of protecting one’s assets financially. Imagine, leaving your children in a lurch. No matter what, one would always try and protect the interests of family first. So to get the best insurance you first need to get best life insurance quotes. Getting them from various organizations give you the flexibility to pick and choose the offer that will suit you best. You can select the period and the premium which is financially viable without pressure or liability. Now with Life Insurance Quotes available online makes our life much easier.

Often we get information by surfing web pages endlessly and ultimately making it more confusing then when you started in the first place. All you need to do is input the information asked, and the Term life insurance quote engine will give simplified information instantly that will enable you to make the right decision for your insurance needs. Life insurance quotes can help you find the best life insurance policy for your particular situation.

Being online makes it all simpler. You can access life insurance quotes on a 24×7 basis through out the year. By just filling up the quote form you can start investing money today for a better tomorrow.

If you are worried about privacy of your information, just relax. Rest assured that the information supplied will only be used to provide you with life insurance quote, and will never be shared with third parties.

Life insurance quotes which are available online save you time by providing you with faster access to information about various insurance policies and coverage. Online insurance quotes and online insurance rates from different insurance companies can quickly show you differences in policies between the various insurance companies. These insurance quotes can help you to save money through comparison shopping. Life insurance quotes from multiple insurance companies will help you to find the insurance with lowest premium, along with tailored insurance coverage to meet your personal insurance needs. Online life insurance quotes can save you time and even money.

They will give you the right information and the most appropriate quotes instantly. The more accurate is the information provided by you, more accurate will be your life insurance quote. The quote you will receive will depend on your medical history and current health status.

Don’t think life insurance as an addition to your expenditure. Life insurance coverage is the first help your family would get in the unfortunate event of your death. Especially in the event of untimely death. For those who are the breadwinners, an untimely death would cause dependents to be suddenly without financial security. This is where the right kind of insurance policy can help you financially. A life insurance benefit would steady the rocking boat. Insurance money cannot replace you but it can atleast support your family financially in the time of grief.

Be prepared, with the right insurance! The right insurance coverage will give you peace of mind, and can also help reduce any financial impact to you. Get a life insurance quote today!

Free Life Insurance Quotes

Free Life Insurance Quote - Important Points To Consider

Free Life Insurance Quote – Important Points To Consider

Taking care of your loved ones with a life insurance policy is a wise decision. Once you have made the decision to purchase a life insurance policy there are other important decisions which must be made as well. Life insurance is not money to be dispensed at the time of your death only. It is also protection for your assets and for the future of your loved ones.

What purpose does life insurance serve?

Obviously life insurance should bridge the gap between the time of grief immediately following your passing and the return to normalcy. Life insurance planning should provide for this short term need. Life insurance must all safeguard the assets you have acquired during your life and pass on as many of those assets as possible to your estate. Make a list of the assets you have and the needs your family will have after your death.

How to accomplish your objectives

Once you have ascertained what it is you want your life insurance to do you must consider how these targets will be achieved. Most of the time making sure that the needs of your loved ones will be met requires more than just a large infusion of cash. A plan should be in place for the proper allocation of the cash received from life insurance policies. There are also tax ramifications which should be analyzed.

Consult a professional

First and foremost the best advice is to get as many quotes as possible and compare. It is free and you will learn more about life insurance faster. There are many laws, particularly laws concerning taxation, which may eat away at the value of your life insurance. Ways to protect your life insurance are available. Using a trust instrument to receive insurance proceeds is just one valuable tool available for protecting your life insurance from taxes. An insurance professional or an attorney can help you with planning your estate to avoid most if not all taxes on your life insurance policies.

Free Life Insurance Quote - Important Points To Consider

For The Cheapest Life Insurance Go With A Specialist Life Insurance Broker

For The Cheapest Life Insurance Go With A Specialist Life Insurance Broker

While life insurance can bring peace of mind it can also be an expensive addition, but it doesn’t have to be if you go with a specialist life insurance broker for your quotes. A specialist will be able to search out the cheapest deals for you much quicker than you could possibly hope to do yourself simply because they know where to look.

When considering life insurance there are factors you will have to decide before going to a specialist. The first is what type of insurance you want for your circumstances and how much cover you will need to take out. Deciding how much cover you need can be a little overwhelming but this can be made a little easier if you take your yearly income and then multiply this by at least 10. Of course this is only a very rough guide and you will have to take things into account such as the rise of inflation, whether or not you have a mortgage and how much the mortgage is and any dependant children you have.

The type of life insurance that you want or need will also determine how much the premium will be for the cover, so of course you will have to decide this before asking a specialist broker to look around on your behalf and get your quotes. He or she can give you help and advice to ensure that you choose the right cover for you.

For example and as a guide, the cheapest and simplest form of life insurance is called term life insurance and you simply decide how much you wish to insure your life for and over how many years. A specialist life insurance broker will then be able to get you several quotes based on a little background information.

Term life insurance will pay out the pre-defined sum of money if you should die during the term of the policy, however if you are still alive after the term of the policy is up then the policy will simply expire and there will not be a payout. This is the cheapest way of insuring your life and giving loved ones something to tide them over through what would be an extremely stressful time.

For The Cheapest Life Insurance Go With A Specialist Life Insurance Broker

Flexible Plan Of Group Term Life Insurance

Flexible Plan Of Group Term Life Insurance

Many small companies cannot afford to set up a group term life insurance benefit program for their employees. If you work for a small company that has a minimum of five employees and your employer does not currently have a basic group term life insurance plan or a voluntary supplemental term life program, you can sign up for Flexible Plan of Group Term Life Insurance policy.

How It Works

Flexible plan of group term life insurance is a plan that is set up by and paid for by employees. It was created to provide low-cost group term life insurance to employees where NO employer paid group program is in place. It is also for groups that are NOT covered by a Beneficial Life Basic Group Term Life Insurance plan. Flexible plans are voluntary programs that do not require the employer to contribute financially.

Options that Affect the Group Policy Premiums

Flexible plan term life insurance rates are determined by how the group chooses their coverage: fully underwritten or guaranteed-issue. The group as a whole must choose one or the other. If the group chooses to be covered by the fully underwritten option, then a one page health form/questionnaire must be completed at the time of application. The one page health form covers the whole group. If the group chooses the guaranteed-issue option, no health questionnaires or medical exams will be necessary, however, the group term life insurance rates will be more expensive since the carrier will be insuring the group unconditionally.

Another option that will affect the flexible plan term life insurance rates is whether or not the group chooses to apply “tobacco-free” or “tobacco-users.” The option to blend the two is also available.

While the premiums will fluctuate depending on ages and coverage reduction schedules (these schedules allow for coverage to continue after the age of 65 for active employees), you can purchase your flexible plan group term life insurance policy with a one year rate guarantee. Additionally, if an employee chooses to retire or quit their job, they may also convert their policy to some kind of permanent coverage. Waivers of premium for disability are not included.


As with all plans, there are some restrictions that apply to flexible plan group term life insurance policies:

1. Premiums must be paid through payroll deductions.

2. Coverage terminates when the employee turns age 70.

3. Spouses are eligible for coverage but the face value may not exceed that of the employee or $250,000 (depending on your state’s maximum based on regulations).

4. If you work in an industry that is considered a hazardous occupation, you are ineligible to apply. Your spouse’s coverage is also subject to occupational approval.

5. Dependent children may be insured for either $2,500 or $5,000 until the age of 26. Proof of insurability is required.

The flexible plan group term life insurance is not available in all states so it is best to consult with a knowledgeable business financial advisor.

Flexible Plan Of Group Term Life Insurance

Fixed term life insurance explained

Fixed term life insurance explained

The importance of having adequate life cover should never be underestimated – and the solution may be in taking out fixed term life insurance cover.

But first of all, why is life insurance so important? Sadly, many people see it as an unnecessary expense, thinking that once they die, why will they need the money? However, life insurance provides financial protection for the loved ones you leave behind.

For example, if you died tomorrow, would your partner be able to meet the monthly mortgage repayment and day to day bills on one salary alone? Would they be able to live the same lifestyle without your salary? Or would they need to sell up and downsize, possibly uprooting your children in the process?

It is unlikely that they would be able to cope financially on just one salary alone – and nor would you want them to be put under financial stress while coping with their grief.

The positive news is that the life insurance doesn’t have to be expensive – and fixed term life insurance can be fairly cheap.

Fixed term life cover is insurance that pays out a lump sum should the life insured (ie. the policyholder) die during the term of the policy. It is a simple and probably the most inexpensive form of life insurance cover available.

This is because if the policyholder (or policyholders in the case of a joint life policy) survives the term of the policy, it expires and no payment is made. As the lump sum payment is only made on the death of the policyholder, this makes the life assurance premiums less expensive than some other life insurance plans.

Fixed term life insurance can also have additional benefits such as payment of the lump sum upon diagnosis of a terminal illness (such as cancer) during the term of the policy.

The term will normally fixed to match your personal financial circumstances – for example, if you have twenty years to go on your mortgage, then you need life insurance to cover at the least the period until your mortgage is paid off. Or you may want it to run up until you plan to retire.

As with all insurances, do shop around to find the right deal for you – you’ll be surprised how much prices can vary from insurer to insurer even though they are offering the same level of cover and benefits.

Finally, if you are unsure about any aspect of your chosen cover, then speak to your life insurance provider or seek independent financial advice.

Fixed term life insurance explained

Finding the Cheapest Life Insurance Quote

Finding the Cheapest Life Insurance Quote

To start with review and understand your life insurance requirements. Figure out if you really need life insurance at this point in time or not. If you don’t have any dependents, then don’t go in for life insurance policy.

Consult an insurance Broker! Consult an independent insurance agent/broker to get an unbiased understanding of the market. The agent/ broker would be in a better position to synchronize your unique insurance requirements with the most affordable option available. It is known that even after procuring the policy these agents help in getting the most out of the plan.

Go the Online Way! Some of the cheapest life insurance quotes come from online insurance companies. This is because they have lower overheads as compared to traditional service providers. Also, the fact that it is easier to compare plans and rates over the internet puts additional pressure on these online vendors to downgrade their quotes.

Shop, Compare and Bargain Hard! Explore the market thoroughly. It would be one effort you would not regret. Gather the quotes for different coverage tiers in line with your requirements and then compare them judiciously. Ensure that you compare apples to apples! Keep in mind that a quote that comes with the lowest initial payment might not be the cheapest one. When you talk about life insurance, think long term. A policy with a higher premium might be a value for money plan. Once you have short-listed your best picks, it is time to sit down with the respective insurance companies and negotiate the best price. Remember, information is power – if you know the market, you can bargain hard and get the lowest possible quote.

At the end of it all, do remember that life insurance is not a mere cost, but an investment that you are making to secure your family. So, try to decide on the coverage and then try to minimize the cost.

Finding the Cheapest Life Insurance Quote

Finding A Cheap Life Insurance

Finding A Cheap Life Insurance

If you want to make your family financially secured after your death, the only answer is, own a life insurance policy. Moreover these life insurance policies help to keep alive the plans you made for your family and the career of your children even after your death. So now you could see the priority of life insurance policy in one’s life.

Now with the availability of so many life insurance policies you might ponder for the right and cheap life insurance policy a well as that which works best for you. Many people consider term life insurance policy to be the cheapest and simplest way to cover their beloved one’s future in the event of their death. For instance, if the term life insurance policy matches the repayment term of your mortgage, the life insurance lump sum can be used to clear your mortgage debt in case you die before the mortgage repayment term cease.

The more you go with convoluted insurance policy the more premium you are required to pay. That’s the reason why many people prefer term life insurance policy.

Since the premium you pay is very less (as there is no investment element), Term life insurance becomes the most affordable and cheapest way to cover your life. You get the payment as lump sum if you die within a specified period.

However, it is seen that life insurance premiums are now up to 40% cheaper than they were before.

It is also advisable to get as many numbers of life insurance quotes before you apply for a policy as it decides how much your premium will be.

Term life insurance quotes can be collected from banks, any financial organization or any reliable consultants. However it is best to get online term life insurance quotes and then make a comparison based on your budget and requirement. However check for the authenticity of online companies before investing in any of them.

However, these quotes can change once you complete with the application. If you are unhappy with the premium, you may not carry on with the policy.

Policies generally require a medical clearance test, but if you don’t want to wait for a medical report you can go for term life insurance no exam policy, which is also affordable and cheap.

Finding A Cheap Life Insurance

Fairer Treatment For Life Insurance Needed

Fairer Treatment For Life Insurance Needed

Deciding on how much life insurance you need to take out and the type of policy that you need is hard enough as it is, after all you are facing the fact that this would be paid out should you die. Recently the Financial Services Authority has been looking into the financial sector and life insurance is just one of them.

The Financial Services Authority is the regulator for all financial service providers in the UK and looks out for the consumer when it comes to buying products. Recent findings have shown that when it comes to life insurance consumers don’t get enough information about this type of cover and can’t always make the best choice when it comes to buying their policy.

One of the main problems when it comes to buying insurance is that the consumer doesn’t understand what a policy involves and what it covers. The with-profits policy can be particularly confusing; this type of policy is a combination of cover and investment, in this case the holder of the policy benefits and so does the insurance company. This type of insurance is particularly attractive to the younger people as you gain benefits over the years.

However while it is a very popular policy there are many holding them that have to rely on the information that came with the policy they bought many years ago which leads them unable to make informed decisions regarding their policy.

As a result of this the Financial Services Authority are now asking insurance providers to start making changes when it comes to the selling practices of life insurance policies. They are asking that insurers ensure that the consumer understands the policy that they are buying and what is involved in it and to give advice when needed.

When it comes to buying life insurance then the best way to do so is by using a specialist broker. They can give you a vast amount of information concerning life insurance polices and are also able to get quotes which you can compare to make sure that you get the cheapest deal when it comes to you life insurance policy.

As with any type of insurance, life insurance policies have many hidden exclusions in the small print, it is essential that you understand this and read them. This is where you will find what you are and are not covered for in your policy.

Fairer Treatment For Life Insurance Needed